Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: salon miniature - Paris

lundi 2 novembre 2009

salon miniature - Paris

Pour les gens passionnés de miniatures, poupées et ours n'oubliez pas le salon Paris Création le 8 novembre. J'y serai.

People who are interested in miniatures, dolls and bears don't forget Paris Création on November 8th. I will be there.

3 commentaires:

Linda Carswell a dit…

I think I would love to go....but I must wait and hope you tell us all about it on your blog....wish I was there!!!


synnøve a dit…

O I wish I could be there!!!!
But like Linda says.. pictures and telling us all about it helps!!! :-D

miniacollection a dit…

Thank you for your commentaries. I will tell you all about it.

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